Wednesday, August 25, 2010
God's Greatest Gifts
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Storyteller Challenge

Sometimes it just gets downright hard to put words on the page. I have so much to share and yet, when I sit at my computer there are moments when I can’t write. Some call it writer’s block. I call it, “I have too much in my head syndrome.”
Days go by and we see and feel things that deserve to be written about or the story should be told in some other way. Yet, we don’t do it. Some ignore their gift of writing and others just don’t notice their surroundings. My problem is that God gifted me with the ability to see things in a different way – to describe the circumstances at hand in common words – to tell a story. The bottom line is that I’m a storyteller and right now, I’m having difficulty telling them! That’s a hard place to be when you are a storyteller!
So, my GRACERUNNER Journal for today is about being a storyteller. How does one become a storyteller? How do you have the ability when others don’t? I guess that the answer is fairly simple – I can’t run like the wind. I can’t hit a 90 mile-an-hour fastball. I can’t play golf without almost killing myself or someone else! One of my gifts, as I see it, is to tell the story at hand. It’s an opportunity to describe, create an analogy, share a moment, or paint a picture with words.
My plight has been that I have too much going on around me and I have not been paying attention to the little things. I have not been able to generate stories because of all the hustle and bustle in my life. But, the past few days I’ve been enjoying my last days off before we start the fall semester at Samford University, where I teach. It’s also the last long vacation I’ll have for a good while because of our TEAM 413 event schedule. I have truly relaxed during this time! It’s hard for me to do – but, I’ve done it! And, I’m going to do it for a few more days too!
To help me tell the stories that I need to tell, I need YOUR help. Each time we put someone in a TEAM 413 running shirt, I tell them that there will be a story behind that shirt! I’ve heard many of your stories and they are terrific! We need more….so, here’s the deal. Send me your best TEAM 413 “shirt story” including a picture of yourself in one of the shirts. I, along with our panel of “professional” judges, will choose the top three stories and with your permission, we’ll publish them in our GRACERUNNER Journal and possibly include them in my second book, “Cobalt Blue Sky Days – Stories of God’s Grace.”
Send your stories to by September 15. We’ll notify the winners and send them a couple of TEAM 413 shirts of their choosing. We want to tell your story and others want to read about God’s amazing grace! Get busy and tell us about your “shirt story.” I’m looking forward to hearing from many of you!
Under HIS Grace…