Sunday, April 25, 2010
Open My Eyes --- Open My Heart!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Boston 2010 - Part 2 - Jennifer Marquez

Jennifer Marquez is an amazing young lady in so many ways. She is a graduate student in nutrition at the University of Florida in Gainesville. I believe that she will go very far in her chosen field of study. She reminds me of my daughters. She is full of energy, sweet, and tenacious -- A rare mix of toughness and tenderness at the same time. She has the heart of a servant!
I first met Jennifer at the 2009 running of Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota. Then, in the fall of 2009 while Kiki and I were driving back from the Bass Pro Shops Marathon in Springfield, Missouri, Jennifer called me. She told me of her dream and desire to see TEAM 413 represented with a booth at the Boston Marathon Expo. She told me that she wanted to raise the funds necessary for the booth space. I gave her permission to do what she could and we made some preliminary plans. Jennifer went to work and raised the amount needed to get us to Boston!
This past weekend she was able to see her dream become a reality. For the first time since 2004 TEAM 413 had a booth at one of the most well known and respected marathons in the world. She got to work the booth. She was able to talk to lots of old friends and new people. She got to experience the “inside” of the booth after seeing the “outside” of the booth. That's something that I'll never be able to do but love giving other people that unique opportunity.
I have now come to know and respect Jennifer for her desire, tenacity, motivation, drive, sense of humor, ability to get the job done, and so much more. However, more than anything, I came to know her as a sister in Christ. She loves the Lord with all her heart and it shows in her face, her heart, in her words, and in her actions.
Jennifer will go far in whatever she chooses to do in life and I am so proud to have her on our team. God bless you, Jennifer! You made your dream come true and at the same time fulfilled one of ours too!
Under HIS Grace…
Friday, April 16, 2010
Boston 2010 - Part I - Ed Walsh

Monday, April 12, 2010
Reality Check!

Friday, April 2, 2010
Jesus Runs

I believe that Jesus RAN. God the Father told Jesus that we needed him. Jesus responded that He was willing to run the race and so He ran! He ran out the gates of Heaven to the start line on this earth. He ran the race of human life as He lived with us for more than 30 years. He ran with all types of people. He ran with the rich and the poor. He ran with people of different cultures. He ran with the sick, injured, and downtrodden. He ran alongside mankind and experienced the tough challenges of the miles and miles of life. He felt the pain that we feel. He saw the things that we see. He was a part of the human race.
Then the Father said that we needed Christ even more. So, Jesus ran up Mount Calvary with a cross on His back. He allowed us to nail Him to the cross and to make fun of Him. He still loved us even though we turned our backs on Him. In the end, He looked into all of our eyes and said to us, “If I cannot love you, I cannot love another because YOU are the love of my life!”
He ran for each of us and then He finished the race on this earth and declared, “IT IS FINISHED!” He stayed in the grave for three days and then He ran out of the tomb. He ran back to Heaven and told the Father of the race. He told Him how He ran the same course that we run. He became our advocate. He told His Dad that He understands us now. I believe that Jesus still runs to the Father each time we do the things that please Him. I can hear Him ---
Jesus runs for you! He came running to us through mercy and grace. He ran from the start to finish so that He could live on common ground with us.
The results of our earthly marathon will not be posted until the day when Christ runs back for us. Make it your goal to finish life strong so that your results will be posted and the FATHER and the SON will say, “Well done my good and faithful servant! You ran the race and finished strong! Welcome HOME!”
Jesus runs! Do you?
Excerpt from the book GRACERUNNER - FAITH ON THE RUN © by Chris A. Gillespie